Dane Haven, Inc.
Great Dane Rescue

Name: Whiskey
Age: 2 years
Sex: Male
Weight: 130
Breed: Great Dane
Color: Black
Medical Issues:
Activity Level: Average
Best Qualities:
Areas needing improvement:
Additional Considerations:
Adoption Fee: $425
Additional Information:
Hello, My name is Whiskey.
I'm a 1 year old male Great Dane. I was found as a stray by Animal Control, I was very skinny and had a bad case of kennel cough, but lucky for me Dane Haven rescued me and things have gotten much better.
I'm very healthy now and have put on weight- my foster Mom says I'm acting like a typical Great Dane puppy-
I live with 3 other Great Danes and I really like playing with them, they may be bigger right now but I am a really good runner and they can't catch me- most of there time.
I also play with a husky/boxer mix and I there is a cat that comes around sometimes but she just looks at me.
I know how to use a doggy door and I walk really great on a leash.
My foster mon has started teaching me basic obedience- I am doing very well at sitting, laying down and staying.
My foster mom also says that I'm very smart an a quick learner- Thats probably because I really like to make her happy. I follow her around everywhere and even though I'm still growing I can still try to sit on her lap-or at least get as close to her as possible for cuddles.
I am still a puppy so I get into typical puppy mischief - like pulling things off the counter and I like chewing shoes- so were working on manners.
I like car rides and I love hiking- I do really well on the trails- even when there is another dog I need to pass by I will sit off to the side to let him pass.
Did i mention that I love the hose, I love to be sprayed by the hose which makes giving me a bath really easy !
I will bark if someone comes to the door, if I hear sirens or if I see the cat walking on the fence, but otherwise I like laying outside chewing on my chew toys and stuffed animals.
I am looking for may forever home- if you want a best friend who will love you and be right your side I am the boy for you!
Available for Adoption in Arizona