Dane Haven, Inc.
Great Dane Rescue

How to become a Sponsor
Dane Haven, Inc. would not exist without donations from individuals and sponsors. The rescues expenses average between $10,000 and $20,000 a year. The fundraisers and adoption fees alone do not cover these expenses. That is why sponsorships are very important to keep the rescue operating.
Below are some ways you can become a sponsor and help save the life of a Dane.
Platinum Sponsor
A Person or Organization that donates money, goods or services at a minimum of $750 annually.
Platinum Sponsors receive:
Advertising Logo or Business Card will be placed on the Partners page of our website.
Advertising Logo or Business Card on Partners page of website will be linked to the sponsor's website.
Advertising Logo or Business Card will be placed on one promotional item to be displayed at adoption events.
Dane Haven, Inc. calendar
Gold Sponsor
A Person or Organization that donates money, goods or services at a minimum of $500 annually.
Gold Sponsors receive:
Advertising Logo or Business Card will be placed on the Partners page of our website.
Advertising Logo or Business Card on Partners section of website will be linked to the sponsor's website.
Dane Haven, Inc. calendar
Silver Sponsor
A Person or Organization that donates money, goods or services at a minimum of $250 annually.
Silver Sponsors receive:
Advertising Logo or Business Card will be placed on the Partners page of our website.
Dane Haven, Inc. calendar
For information on how to donate click here.
Become a Fairy Dog Mother for a Dane in need
This sponsorship program allows those who can’t adopt or foster to sponsor a Dane in need. Our Special Danes need extra support because they have either required expensive medical care or require supplementary training to help them become adoptable. A Fairy Dog Mother’s sponsorship can also go toward a forever foster. A forever foster is a dog that are deemed unadoptable due to age or health conditions and will remain permanently in foster care.
The Fairy Dog Mother program has the following levels for monthly sponsorship. The sponsorship gifts are awarded when the annual minimum for that level is received.
Level One - $10 per month or a minimum of $120 annually
Thank you card with a photo and bio of your Special Dane
Fairy Dog Mother Tote
Level Two - $25 per month or a minimum of $300 annually
Thank you card with a photo and bio of your Special Dane
Fairy Dog Mother T-Shirt
Dane Haven, Inc. Calendar
Level Three - $50 per month or a minimum of $500 annually
Thank you card with a photo and bio of your Special Dane
Fairy Dog Mother Tote
Fairy Dog Mother T-shirt
Dane Haven, Inc. Calendar
To become a Fairy Dog Mother please complete our Fairy Dog Mother sponsor form and email it to danehavenrescue@gmail.com.
To see a list of our Danes in need of Fairy Dog Mothers and current Fairy Dog Mother sponsors please visit our Fairy Dog Mother page.
Dane Haven, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization. As a sponsor your donations are tax deductible.