Dane Haven, Inc.
Great Dane Rescue
Name: Orion
Age: 2 years
Sex: Male
Weight: 145 lbs
Breed: Great Dane
Color: Merle
Medical Issues: Allergies
Activity Level: Average
Best Qualities: Great with dogs, cats and children. walks well on a leash. Knows basic commands.
Areas needing improvement:
Additional Considerations: Requires special food due to allergies.
Adoption Fee: $425
Additional Information:
Hello, My name is Orion!
I am from Texas and even though I loved Texas and I loved My family in Texas, I had big allergies to the environment.
I was on high does of steroids and allergy medication which help some but I still had problem and the steroids did not make me feel very good, SO here I am in Arizona and Guess What - No more allergies !
I am off all medication, my fur is growing back, My ears are not sore and I have energy to run an play with my foster brother and sisters.
I get along great with big and small dogs and I like cats.
I enjoy going for walks and I have been through training so I know basic commands. I walk very well on a leash and know to come back when called when off leash.
My foster mon says I am very well mannered, except for the fact that I love to chew paper and if trash is left out its mine.
I'm not a barker, I do alert you if someone comes to the door and I like to talk when I play or sometimes just to do it.
I learned how to use a doggie door - so easy and I like car rides.
I love to drink water out of the hose or the sink.
My foster mom I have the softest coat she has ever felt which is great because I love to follow her around- never know when she has a teat or want to scratch my back.
I am ready to meet my forever Arizona family.
Available in Arizona