Dane Haven, Inc.
Great Dane Rescue

Name: Luna
Age: 3 years
Sex: Female
Weight: 100 lbs
Breed: Great Dane
Color: Harlequin
Medical Issues:
Activity Level: Average
Best Qualities: Loves to play, does well with cats and dogs.
Areas needing improvement: Doesn't like to be alone
Additional Considerations:
Adoption Fee: $425
Additional Information:
Hi! I’m Luna. Mom said I have to do this, so I am. I always do what I am told. Even though I don’t like it. Sometimes I get scared and have to be told twice. When I am with someone new or in a new place, I am very nervous and I shiver a lot. But I love being with Mom and Dad, so I want to go. When Mom and Dad take me out, I am so nervous, but I mind my manners and I listen. I know they will take care of me. I have two blankets that I like to mouth when I am worried.
I have very good manners and I listen to commands. I keep forgetting to stay when I am told, but I am improving. I live to snuggle with Mom and Dad and sometimes Jack, my very BIG brother. I love playing with Jack, did I say he’s BIG? Well I’m not afraid of him and most times I pin him to the ground when we wrestle. I am an excellent wrestler! Cats don’t bother me, I just ignore them. Oh, yeah, I like to graze. I don’t always finish my food, so I like to go back and eat later. Mom doesn’t let me graze, so I’m trying to eat all my food.
Available for Adoption in Arizona