Dane Haven, Inc.
Great Dane Rescue

Name: Jolene
Age: 7 years
Sex: Female
Weight: 98lbs
Breed: Great Dane Mix
Color: Mantle
Medical Issues:
Activity Level: Average
Best Qualities:
Areas needing improvement:
Additional Considerations:
Adoption Fee: $425
Additional Information:
Hi! My name is Jolene, yes like from the song that Dolly Parton sang “Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Joleeeene”. Sometimes my foster family calls me Jo or Jojo. I am seven years old and have a lot of energy, especially on walks, but I also like to sit on the coach and have a conversation. I am very loving and love to play with humans, and I would prefer to be the only dog but I could do good with another dog if properly introduced. I am not so sure on cats, though I could probably learn to like them… Any way, I LOVE to snuggle and play with mostly kids over 5. I do have a very strong tail, so I not sure how I would do with toddlers since it has a mind of its own. My favorite game is tug-of-war. Not to brag but I always win. When visitors come, I tend to get really excited and sometimes need some reminders to calm down but get better at it almost everyday! When it comes to walks, I am all about it, so I tend to also get really excited whenever my leash or anyone else’s leashes are touched. I pull a lot going out the door and every now and then on the leash but you know what they say, old dogs can still learn new tricks! I am potty trained and know how to use a doggy door. When my humans are away I am very well behaved and just chill on the couch with my doggie siblings. I do tend to bark especially when someone is near my yard. If someone that I’m not so sure about is here I know how to use my voice to let my humans know someone is here.
Available for Adoption in Arizona