Dane Haven, Inc.
Great Dane Rescue

Name: Ember
Age: 7 months
Sex: Female
Weight: 90
Breed: Great Dane
Color: Fawn w/Merle mask
Medical Issues:
Activity Level: Active
Best Qualities: Playful, good with other dogs, sweet, fun.
Areas needing improvement: Some training
Additional Considerations: Requires attending obedience training.
Adoption Fee: $450
Additional Information:
Hi, My name is Ember. I'm a fun loving, happy young girl. I love to play fetch with my tennis ball so much, that I will bring it back to you and drop it in your hand, so you can throw it again for me. I love playing Tug-O-War too. I guess you can say, I'm like any normal kid, I just love to play. I heard my foster Mom tell my foster Dad that I am a pleasure to take for a walk on a leash because she actually gets to walk me, instead of me walking her! I love to play with my little Corgi mix foster brother and my BIG Great Dane foster sister. We all get along great together! My foster Mom also says,that for as much as I like to play, I do know when it's time for bed. When she says,"Good-night," gives me a kiss and turns out the lights, I go right to sleep and am quiet the whole night through. I am house broken and I also get along great with kids,of the human nature too. I have alot of love to give and would love to give it to a family that will love me the same.
Available for Adoption in Arizona